Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cleaning and Finding Treasures

I'm feeling pretty good tonite, I've accomplished something that I've been wanting to get done for a long time. I cleaned out my spare room! You see it was so bad you could not walk into it. There was a narrow winding path through the center, but I didnt know where most things were.
I stayed up until midnight last nite and made alot of progress, mind you there is still way too much stuff (treasures and the like), but the path has widened and I have found several things that I had not seen in quite some time and honestly did not know where they were! Like these glitter and bead tubes, they are just the coolest! They are glass with cork stoppers, boy they sure dont make things like that anymore, I just had to share, I really need to start sharing lots of my treasures with you! Heres the beginning of a grand idea!

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